
January 6, 2025

As Hayden et al. (2023) underlined in their article: “There is substantial evidence of the connection between career development and mental health. Executive processing, including associated feelings and thoughts, has been found to significantly impact career decision making and problem solving.” This again emphasizes the importance of the role...

Winter wonder crumble

December 11, 2017

Food and health go hand in hand! An important time as ever for some extra selfcare. With shorter days fortunately come twinkle lights….and with any luck a beautiful pack of fresh snow. The perfect time to add a little bit of warmth to your mornings and get some good...

My little dragon

January 13, 2017

Child development   Proctor, Tweed and Morris appoint in their article in 2021 that “Parental conditional regard (PCR) “is a socializing practice in which parents make their affection and appreciation contingent on the child’s display of parentally desired behaviors”—that is, more affection, attention, and appreciation are displayed when children...